Aaron, also on the first day of school
And the pair of them, just before leaving that first morning. What a pair of cuties. There were many 'bunny ears' in the pictures that Joce and I took of them.
They are quite happy to be back with their friends. Aaron has a lot of his friends in his class this year. Greg has a few friends from last year in his class, and he's getting to know the other children.
Aaron has joined the cross country running group. This only lasts for maybe 6 or 8 weeks. They run every Monday after school at the school, and then on Wednesdays they go to Centennial park. Aaron did very well last Wednesday. He is also a 'reading buddy' for a little boy in kindergarten. All the Grade 5s get to do this which I think is a great idea. They meet with their reading buddy once a week and read to them.
Joce's job has changed and she is now working 30 hours per week, as opposed to the 20 she was working. So Mocha and I spend most of our days together. Some days I take her for a walk. She wants to go full speed ahead for the first part of the walk and then she settles down for the last bit. She has a lot of energy!
I bought a battery operated pencil sharpener a couple of weeks ago. Greg made it his mission to find every pencil in the house and sharpen it to a fine point. It took him quite a few trips to do it, but it is now done. And I still have some power left in the batteries.
He's also making soap now. He found a nearly empty hand soap dispenser, and decided to fill it. He used some soap, hand lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash and water. It smells pretty good, but doesn't lather very well. We keep squirting it into the sink to use it up, but he keeps refilling it, so I think we'll have it for a while yet. Joce also provides a container of regular soap so we do have a choice.
I have been keeping busy as usual. I'm trying to get the gardens ready for fall, and am moving some plants around. Every year I think the gardens will be exactly as I want them the next year, but its yet to happen. They are a lot better than our first year here, so I guess there is progress.
Till next time......